Norconsult awarded contract with AF Gruppen/Nye Veier
Norconsult ASA: Invitation to presentation of Q4 and full year 2024 results
Norconsult awarded next phase in major pumped storage hydro project
The British power generation company Drax is set to refurbish two of the four units at Cruachan Power Station, Scotland's largest pumped storage hydropower station. Norconsult has been given the task to follow up the delivery of new equipment and construction work on behalf of the client.
Norconsult has appointed Håkon Bergsodden as the new Executive Vice President for the Renewable Energy business area. Norconsult today stands as a leading player in the Nordic renewable energy market, with a clear strategy for continued profitable growth in this area.
Norconsult’s framework agreement with Statkraft for technical consulting related to renewable energy has been renewed.
Norconsult and Kjeller Vindteknikk served as technical advisers for Aneo in the acquisition of their first wind farm in Finland.
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