reflection of people walking on white marble floor

Audit and auditors

Norconsult works systematically on risk management and audit of our operations, to manage risk and ensure that the business areas reach the strategic objectives and though this the ambition of sustainable and profitable development.

External auditor

The external auditor shall confirm to the Group Board of Directors in writing that the auditor meets the requirements for independence. Norconsult’s external auditor has since 2019 been Ernst & Young AS.

Any other provision of services from the auditor shall normally not exceed more than 70 % of the volume of services related to statuary accounts over a period of 3 years. The Board will monitor this and advise the General Meeting on auditor's remuneration for both statutory audit work and any fees paid for other specific assignments.

Group Internal audit

Group Internal audit In Norconsult shall assist the Board and the executive management in exercising good corporate governance through an independent and objective assessment of whether the Group's most significant risks are adequately managed and controlled. Furthermore, the Group Internal audit contributes to the Group's achievement of its objectives by evaluating and improving the suitability and effectiveness of the Group's corporate governance, risk management and internal control.

Chief Internal Auditor reports professionally to the Audit Committee and administratively to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

Whistleblowing - Norconsult Speak Up

Norconsult has an independent whistleblowing function for reporting of infringements or suspected infringements of laws, regulations or the Norconsult Code of Ethics.  

The whistleblowing channel is managed by external lawyers. Reports will be handled in privacy and confidence pending discrete and comprehensive follow-up in Group Internal Audit. See further information in the reporting solution. 

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