Shareholders’ rights in relation to General Meetings

For detailed information about your rights as a shareholder, please refer to the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act, especially chapters 4 and 5. Below is an overview of key rights and important deadlines for presenting proposals for shareholders in relation to General Meetings:

  • Right to attend the General meeting, either in person or by proxy, and to vote at the General Meeting, provided that you have been a shareholder as of the fifth business day prior to the General Meeting 

  • Right to speak at the General Meeting 

  • Right to be accompanied by an advisor at the General Meeting and to give such advisor the right to speak 

  • Right to submit questions and comments, including alternative proposals for resolutions in respect of items on the agenda. Such proposals may be forwarded in writing to the Chair during the General Meeting, and such rights may also be conveyed to an advisor 

  • Right to request information from the members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO as set out in section 5–15 of the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act. Request for information should preferably be submitted no later than 10 days prior to the date of the General Meeting 

  • Right to have matters addressed at the General Meeting. Questions must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors within seven days of the deadline for convening the General Meeting (28 days before the General Meeting), together with the proposed resolutions or a reason for including the question on the agenda. The General Meeting can in general not process matters that are not included in the meeting notice. 

Shareholders wishing to submit a matter to be addressed at the General Meeting can contact the company using the following address:  

Norconsult ASA 
Att: Company Secretary 
PO Box 626, 1303 Sandvika, Norway 

or by email to: