Board of Directors

The composition of the Board and terms of office for various board members are described in the Articles of Association. Members of the Group’s executive management may not serve on the Board of Directors.

Articles of Association

Nils Morten Huseby (born 1966), Chair of the Board

Huseby has served on the Board since 2017, as Chair since 2022.

Huseby is the CEO of Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), an independent research foundation and a leader in international energy research. Huseby holds a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim in 1991. He has over 30 years of broad international experience in the energy industry and technology-driven businesses, including over 20 years as a top executive. Prior to joining IFE in 2016, he was the CEO of Rainpower. Huseby has also served as the Director of the South America operations for SN Power (Statkraft Group), as well as held various positions in NOS ASA, McKinsey & Company, and Shell International.

As of 11.11.2024 Mr. Huseby holds 57 931 shares and 0 options in Norconsult ASA.

Mari Thjømøe (born 1962), Deputy Chair of the Board

Thjømøe is the Deputy Chair of the Board and head of the Audit Committee. She has served on the Board since 2017.

Thjømøe holds a Master of Science in Business (MSc) from BI Norwegian Business School, specialising in international economics and finance, and is a certified financial analyst from the Norwegian School of Economics. She has also completed senior executive programs at the London Business School and Harvard Business School. Thjømøe has a background in top management and board work in the energy sector, renewable industry, manufacturing, technology, and finance. She currently works with board assignments, consulting, and investment activities. She has experience from major publicly listed companies such as Norsk Hydro, Equinor (senior vice president), Norwegian Property (CFO and acting CEO), as well as KLP (CFO), and as a board member in Hafslund, Tryg Group, Sintef, Scatec, Petoro, Gjensidige and Oslo Børs.

As of 24.05.2024 Ms. Thjømøe holds 31 052 shares and 0 options in Norconsult ASA.

Karl Erik Kjelstad (born 1966), member of the Board

Kjelstad has been a shareholder-elected Board member since 2024.

He has extensive Board experience in a number of companies in the Aker Group, AS Backe, Trosvik Maritime, Akastor-owned companies, HMV B.V, Føn Energy Services AS and NES Fircroft. Kjelstad has been chair of several of the companies.

Kjelstad holds a M.Sc. degree in Marine Engineering from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 1992, and an Advanced Management Program (AMP) from Harvard Business School, 2017.

With 32 years of experience from business, Kjelstad has held significant roles in large and complex organisations. Through these roles, he has gained experience in international management, company development, organic growth and acquisitions in companies representing different company cultures.

As of 21.05.2024 Mr. Kjelstad holds 30 000 shares and 0 options in Norconsult ASA through his company Byesvollen AS.

Lars-Petter Nesvåg (born 1969), member of the Board

Nesvåg has been a shareholder-elected Board member since 2021 and is a member of the Compensation Committee.

Nesvåg holds a Master's degree in Engineering from NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in 1995. He has been employed at Norconsult since 2000 and is currently the Head of the Railway and Tramway department at the headquarters. He has played a central role in building and developing the railway expertise at Norconsult over the past 15 years and actively participated in RIF Bane (the Association of Consulting Engineers Norway's railway committee) for many years.

As of 11.11.2024 Mr. Nesvåg holds 671 308 shares and 462 matching shares (as described in the stock exchange release from 17 June 2024 "Employee Share Programs 2024") in Norconsult ASA.

Sandra Annette Angelica Kuru (born 1982), member of the Board

Kuru has been a shareholder-elected Board member since 2024.

She holds a Master in Environmental engineering from Lund Tekniska Högskola in 2007. She has been employed at Norconsult since 2008 and is currently the Head of the Water & Climate department in Sweden. Kuru has extensive knowledge of the company and its clients, both as head of a department spanning across Sweden, and having key positions in large infrastructure projects.

As of 11.11.2024 Ms. Kuru holds 9 224 shares and 462 matching shares (as described in the stock exchange release from 17 June 2024 "Employee Share Programs 2024") in Norconsult ASA.

Harald Trosvik (born 1958), member of the Board

He has served as an employee-elected Board member of Norconsult since 2009 and has been a member of the Board's Compensation Committee and Audit Committee in various periods.

Trosvik holds a Master's degree in Engineering Physics from NTH (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in 1983 and has been employed at Norconsult AS since 1993. Prior to that, he gained experience in industry and sales. Trosvik has extensive experience in design, consulting, and project management within electrical and automation engineering, with a particular focus on remote control. He also has international experience from an oil storage project in Saudi Arabia.

Trosvik has been the leader of the largest professional association in Norconsult, Tekna, since 2005. 

As of 21.11.2024 Mr. Trosvik holds 218 725 shares and 0 options in Norconsult ASA.

Anne Jenny Bergseth (born 1976), member of the Board

Bergseth joined the Board of Norconsult in 2023, as a representative elected by the employees.

Bergseth has a master's degree in Architecture from the Bergen School of Architecture and has additional education background in art history and photography. She has 16 years of experience as an architect. She has worked for 12 years at Norconsult and currently serves as a specialist in cultural heritage. Prior to joining Norconsult, she worked at a smaller architectural firm and in public administration, focusing on planning.

As of 11.11.2024 Ms. Bergseth holds 35 905 shares and 462 matching shares matching shares (as described in the stock exchange release from 17 June 2024 "Employee Share Programs 2024") in Norconsult ASA.

Helge Hesjedal Wiberg (born 1983), member of the Board

Wiberg joined the Board of Norconsult in 2023 as an employee-elected representative. He is a member of the Compensation Committee.

Wiberg is educated as a fire safety engineer from Høgskulen Stord/Haugesund in 2006. He has approximately 17 years of experience as a consultant within fire safety engineering and assignment manager at Norconsult, and currently works as a specialist in the field. His experience ranges widely from industrial and infrastructure projects to simple garages and the development of fire safety organisations. Since 2008, he has been a member of the NITO union board at Norconsult and assumed the position of leader in 2016.

As of 11.11.2024 Mr. Wiberg holds 43 175 shares and 0 options in Norconsult ASA.